Mango (Magnifera indica L.) is the most popular tropical fruit. It is a climacteric juicy stone fruit. Mango crop in 2013 was at 43 million metric tons of which India produced 18 million metric tons (42%). Globally, there are hundreds of cultivars. However, Alphonso from India is considered “the king of mangoes.” Among Alphonso mangoes, Ratnagiri hapoos is considered the most premium. This is because of its deep orange color, minimal insoluble fiber, and superb flavor. Furthermore, it can be concentrated to have a brix that could reach as high as 21⁰.
Mango puree is a nutrient powerhouse (along with prickly pear) due to the presence of minerals, vitamins, soluble fiber and phytonutrients. First of all, the puree is rich in soluble dietary fiber, pectins. Furthermore, a pectinic compound is shown to neutralize galectin-3, a protein, which plays a significant role in all stages of cancer. The puree is rich in beta-carotene, alpha-carotene, lutein and xanthine. An array of compounds such as quercetin, kaempferol, catechins and tannins dominate the antioxidant landscape. Aromatic volatile compounds such as terpenes, lactones, alcohols and esters yield mango puree its very rich and tempting rich flavor.
Storage: Aseptic
Format: Puree
Package: Drum, Bag-in-Box (20 kg)